CYAN- Youth Quest

March 18
8 am ‑ 3 pm


Youth Quest is an annual event hosted by CYAN to celebrate and promote youth advocacy in tobacco control. Youth Quest provides an opportunity for youth advocates to demonstrate their commitment to a tobacco-free California, learn about current tobacco control efforts, and build their advocacy skills by sharing their local work with legislators.


Youth Quest is an event for California Tobacco Prevention Program (CTPP)-funded organizations engaging youth in community-based interventions. This year’s event is geared toward middle and high school age students working with local programs on smoke/tobacco-free policy initiatives. The event is free for those attending from a CTPP-funded project. Youth from CDE-TUPE programs are welcome to attend the event; however, there will be a fee associated with attending.


A major component of Youth Quest is legislative visits.  All participants are required to visit a legislator or conduct drop-by visits to provide information and education on local, community-based tobacco-free activities. CYAN will schedule all legislative visits.


The event begins at approximately 8:30am and end by 3:00pm. The full-day event includes a mix of activities, educational presentations, a march to the Capitol, rally and press conference on Capitol grounds, and visits with state decision makers.


Registration is open through Friday, February 2nd. Organizations and coalitions that receive funding from a CTPP-funded program can register for the event. Coalitions that do not receive direct funding from CTPP are welcome to attend; however, they will automatically be added to the waitlist at registration unless the group opts to pay a participant fee. If a coalition is unable to pay the participant fee, they can attend at no cost if space permits after all CTPP-funded coalitions have registered. All school-based coalitions that are coordinated by a TUPE grant will need to pay a fee to cover expenses associated with meals and t-shirts.


This event is free for any coalition directly funded by CTPP. Organizations that do not receive funding but are involved local tobacco prevention activities can register to be added to the waitlist and are able to attend at no cost, if space permits. Or, organizations may pay a fee per participant. All K-12 coalitions and TUPE grantees will need to pay a fee to participate. The fee is $89 per participant.


A Youth Quest informational webinar was held on January 11, 2024. This webinar provided an overview of the event, what to expect on March 18, and answered questions participants had about registering for and attending Youth Quest.

Webinar Recording
Webinar Slides


CYAN has compiled a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) from past Youth Quest events. Please take time to review the FAQs. If you would like additional information about Youth Quest or have a question that is not addressed in the FAQ document, please email